19 January 2010

A Tale of Two Losses

While waiting for a last-minute, late night load of laundry, I started thinking about two very different tales of loss that have occurred this week. The first one, the news of the loss of the democratic senate seat in Massachusetts, left vacant by the passing of Senator Kennedy, slipping into the hands of a Republican, is not the way I had planned to end the night. Distressing, untimely, a possible sign of a "comeback" by Republicans who will stop at nothing to let the masses know that this country is this close to a complete collapse. Are people listening? Is this a sign of things to come? Are things really that bad? It's unfortunate for them that this new-found passion wasn't really there on that cold day in November when history was made.

I am beyond distressed at these "victories." I do find comfort and have complete confidence in the remaining three years with the people's party at the top. Great things can and will be accomplished. I find even more comfort knowing that I am at peace with my beliefs and if I ever doubt myself, I read this: "A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who; however, has never learned to walk forward." ~ Franklin Delano Roosevelt

The second tale occurred yesterday, at the news of a more profound loss. I say a prayer for the child who will never be and for the family to find strength and comfort.

I pray for my own strength to stand for what I believe in, an open mind to see the bigger picture and faith so that I can understand all forms of loss.

21 December 2009

The Year of Clarity

Here it is, five months later and finally a new post!

It's hard to believe, but another year has gone by. 2010 will be the year of clarity for me. I have grown wiser, not older.

Here's to understanding what works for you and to letting go of what doesn't fit into your world!

Wishing you joy in the New Year! Cheers to 2010!

19 July 2009

So.....It's Been Four Months

My last post was four months ago. Funny how life takes over. Much has happened, but what prompted this post after so many months was finishing a book in two days and feeling compelled to write about it.

After reading all but the final book in the wretched Twilight series, (my curiosity was peaked after they were read by practically everyone at the dance studio - young and old), it was refreshing to read something that my demographic could not only appreciate, but understand and process.

I devoured "Happens Every Day" by Isabel Gillies in two nights actually, as my husband slept soundly by my side. I could relate to her tale of her failed first marriage, unexpected and unimaginable, not because of the subject, but because many aspects of her relationship are found in many marriages, good and bad, surviving or floundering.

The moral of the story.....marriage takes work. It's a process and it is ever evolving. In the book, Isabel's world as she knew it changed in a heartbeat. Nothing could change it - not the perfect house or the kids or her job on Law & Order SVU.

The end of her story left me in tears, but not in sadness for her. While I felt her pain, I instead cried tears of joy for me and thanked the heavens above for my life.

Saying that this book put things into perspective for me is a true understatement, much more than 400 ridiculous pages of vampires and mortals professing eternal love.

14 February 2009

Happy Heart Day

I loved you first: but afterwards your love
Outsoaring mine, sang such a loftier song
As drowned the friendly cooings of my dove.
Which owes the other most? my love was long,
And yours one moment seemed to wax more strong;
I loved and guessed at you, you construed me
And loved me for what might or might not be –
Nay, weights and measures do us both a wrong.
For verily love knows not ‘mine’ or ‘thine;’
With separate ‘I’ and ‘thou’ free love has done,
For one is both and both are one in love:
Rich love knows nought of ‘thine that is not mine;’
Both have the strength and both the length thereof,
Both of us, of the love which makes us one.

~ Christina Rosetti

20 January 2009

At Last


"Let it be said by our children's children that when we were tested, we refused to let this journey end, that we did not turn back, nor did we falter; and with eyes fixed on the horizon and God's grace upon us, we carried forth that great gift of freedom and delivered it safely to future generations."

"Inspired" does not begin to describe this day for me.
It has been a day of true hope.

Praise be to God ~

16 January 2009

Winter Wonderland?

I know that it's wintertime in this part of the world, but this is ridiculous. It has not been this cold here since 1996. "They" say the temperature will actually "warm up" to a "comfortable" 18 degrees tomorrow. The trade-off is 4-6 inches of snow.....more snow.

It's impossible to even try to understand the weather here.
The only thing we can do is plan on getting out while we still can and yes, we have a plan in place.

Thinking of warmth and palm trees.....

30 November 2008

Thoughts of the Season

The month of January is always a time of renewal for me. I am determined to start the new year with a sense of purpose and hope for the future.

My goals, intentions, resolutions for the New Year are:

~ Save more, spend less.
~ Take less, give more.
~ Keep an uncluttered mind and house.
~ Drink good wine and use the good china.
~ Travel, laugh, drink good wine and use the good china ~ often.

Happy New Year!